******************************************************* * faviconmedia.net - Free Favicon Generator Readme * * version 2.12 ******************************************************* Standard and Extra Favicon package * You can add multiple favicons to your web page by uploading this package to your website root and inserting the following HTML tag inside the ... section of your web page : * Optional: if you would like to display the animated favicon, upload animated_favicon.gif as well and insert the following HTML tags. * The following files are included for your convenience. You don't have to upload or do anything else with these optional files: - favicon.ico - multi-resolution favicon (16x16 to 48x48). - favicon.png - 16*16 PNG image file of the favicon. - favicon-32.png - 32*32 PNG image file of the favicon. - favicon-64.png - 64*64 PNG image file of the favicon. - favicon-96.png - 96*96 PNG image file of the favicon. - animated_favicon.gif - animated version of the favicon. - apple-touch-icon.png - 152*152 PNG image file of the favicon. - apple-touch-icon-60x60.png - 60*60 PNG image file of the favicon. - apple-touch-icon-76x76.png - 76*76 PNG image file of the favicon. - apple-touch-icon-114x114.png - 114*114 PNG image file of the favicon. - apple-touch-icon-120x120.png - 120*120 PNG image file of the favicon. - apple-touch-icon-144x144.png - 144*144 PNG image file of the favicon. - favicon-196.png - 196x196 PNG image file of the favicon. - favicon-144.png - 144*144 PNG image file of the favicon. - smalltile.png - 70*70 PNG image file of the custom tiles for IE11. - mediumtile.png - 150*150 PNG image file of the custom tiles for IE11. - largetile.png - 310*310 PNG image file of the custom tiles for IE11. - browserconfig.xml - XML browser config file to set a default logo tile for IE11. - readme.txt - this quick reference. Enjoy in your new favicons! www.faviconmedia.net